Rugby's Values
“It’s a tough sport, a lot of physical contact, but there is no violence. There’s great loyalty, great respect. Playing rugby is tiring. It’s no easy walk. And I think it’s useful to strengthen character, and one’s will.”
Rugby’s values are what makes the game special for those who enjoy the environment and culture they create. These traditional values remain as important to rugby’s future as they have been throughout its long and distinguished past. The principles of rugby are the fundamental elements upon which the game is based and they enable participants to immediately identify the game’s character and what makes it distinctive as a sport.
We bring this ethos to the youth rugby level in several ways, including:
Our club mantra is #FIRSTonthepitch, which translates to displaying our team values of Friendship, Integrity, Respect, Sportsmanship & Teamwork on the field (the pitch)
Only the team captain may speak to the referee
All players shake hands after every game
post-game photos with both teams together are common
Each team selects one player from the other team as the "Player of the Match" for their skilled play, effort and/or sportsmanship
“The referee is always right, even if he is not. If he gets a call wrong or he misses something, you do not complain. If there really is something, your captain speaks to the referee with respect. He talks to him as though he were talking to the headmaster of the school or to a judge.”
In 2009, the World Rugby member unions identified integrity, passion, solidarity, discipline and respect as the defining character-building characteristics of rugby. These are now collectively known as the World Rugby values and are incorporated within the World Rugby Playing Charter, a guiding document aimed at preserving rugby’s unique character and ethos both on and off the field of play.
Integrity is central to the fabric of the game and is generated through honesty and fair play.
Rugby people have a passionate enthusiasm for the game. Rugby generates excitement, emotional attachment and a sense of belonging to the global rugby family.
Rugby provides a unifying spirit that leads to life-long friendships, camaraderie, teamwork and loyalty which transcends cultural, geographic, political and religious differences.
Discipline is an integral part of the game both on and off the field and is reflected through adherence to the laws, the regulations and rugby’s core values.
Respect for team-mates, opponents, match officials and those involved in the game is paramount.
“It’s the only game in my eyes where there’s real values. The spirit of competitiveness, together with recognizing that you need friendship is important. Rugby brings friends from around the world together, and whilst you go to battle on the pitch, as soon as you leave the pitch, you have friendships for life.”
Credit: Fox Sports Rugby